Imperial Yeast

  • Propper Starter Condensed Wort Can 16 Oz

    Propper Starter Condensed Wort Can 16 Oz

    Propper Starter concentrated wort makes it easy to give your yeast the proper start when preparing high gravity brews, cold-pitched lagers, yeast packs nearing expiration and whenever a starter is recommended. No more measuring messy DME. No more...

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  • Imperial Yeast - A38 Juice

    Imperial Yeast - A38 Juice

    Juicy. Fruity. Juice is an amazing strain for East Coast IPAs. The ester profile of Juice brings out the aromas and flavors of the new school hops and creates a beers  that is greater than the sum of its parts. Keep an eye on this strain, it likes...

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  • Imperial Yeast - A07 Flagship

    Imperial Yeast - A07 Flagship

    A craft brewing standard, Flagship is a versatile strain loved for its extremely clean character. This strain performs well at standard ale temperatures, but can be used in the low 60s to produce exceptionally crisp ales. Flocculation is in the...

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  • Imperial Yeast - L17 Harvest

    Imperial Yeast - L17 Harvest

    This strain combines good flocculation characteristics with low sulfur and low diacetyl. Clean fermentations produce amazing bock, helles, pilsner, dunkles, and just about any other lager style you throw its way. Temp: 50-60F, 10-16C // Flocculation:...

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  • Imperial Yeast - A10 Darkness

    Imperial Yeast - A10 Darkness

    A beautiful strain for stout, porter, brown, and amber ales. Darkness produces a unique character that matches up perfectly with roasted and caramel malts. This strain is alcohol tolerant, so don’t hesitate to throw high gravity worts its...

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  • Imperial Yeast - A20 Citrus

    Imperial Yeast - A20 Citrus

    Citrus cranks out orange and lemon aromas along with some tropical fruit. Use this strain at high temps for big ester production. A wild saccharomyces strain, it will get a bit funky without the worries of a brettanomyces strain. Temp: 67-80F, 19-27C //...

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  • Imperial Yeast - A09 Pub

    Imperial Yeast - A09 Pub

    Brewers swear by this strain to achieve super bright ales in a short amount of time. One of the most flocculent brewer’s strains around, Pub will rip through fermentation and then drop out of the beer quickly. Pub produces higher levels of esters...

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  • Imperial Yeast - G03 Dieter

    Imperial Yeast - G03 Dieter

    Dieter is a clean, crisp, traditional German Kölsch strain. A very low ester profile makes this strain perfect for Kölsch, Alt and other light colored delicate beers. Dieter has better flocculation characteristics than most...

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  • Imperial Yeast - L13 Global

    Imperial Yeast - L13 Global

    The world’s most popular lager strain is ready for you. Global is an all-around solid lager strain that produces clean beers with a very low ester profile. This strain is very powdery, so long lagering times or filtration is required for bright...

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  • Imperial Yeast - A15 Independence

    Imperial Yeast - A15 Independence

    Independence is the strain for bringing some new character into your hop-driven beers. Higher in esters than Flagship, this yeast will give some fruit character that will take your hoppy beers to a new level. While it shines in pale ales and IPAs,...

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  • Imperial Yeast - A01 House

    Imperial Yeast - A01 House

    The best of both worlds, House is clean and allows malt and hops to shine. This strain is extremely versatile and flocculent enough to drop out of the beer quickly. Best used in American IPAs but works well in English style ales. House is clean at...

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